CoachedbyBukky. Kickstart Your Business

Let’s talk about EVERYTHING you need to GROW a successful business

I know what it feels like to start over.

I left my corporate job to relaunch my business, and it was one of the hardest things I've ever done. But it was also one of the best decisions I ever made. I had a dream, and I knew that I had to go for it.

I faced all the same challenges you're facing now. I was uncertain. I was worried about the financial security of a regular job. I was afraid of failing. But I took the leap anyway.

And I'm so glad I did. Relaunching my business was the most challenging and rewarding experience of my life. It taught me so much about myself and about what I am capable of.

If you're feeling the same way, I want you to know that you're not alone. There are many female entrepreneurs who have faced the same challenges. But they didn't give up. They kept going. And they succeeded.

I am here to help you every step of the way. In my Kickstart Your Business program, I will teach you everything you need to know to grow a successful business. I want to share my own experiences, as well as the insights of experts in the field. I will also provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.

Don't let your fear hold you back. I believe in you. I know that you have what it takes to succeed. You are capable of anything you set your mind to. Take the leap


What is the Kickstart Your Business program?

The only program you’ll ever need to start and grow a successful and sustainable business

  • Improve your cash flow and increase your profits

  • Grow your business bottomline

  • Achieve financial success

  • Reach more of the right people with a proven step-by-step process

  • Learn exactly how to grow by creating a strong compelling vision for your business

  • Confidently create systems and processes that gives your business a strong foundation

  • Build clear user journeys to attract your ideal client and keep them for years

  • Create a practice of daily action, result and review to create major growth in less time

  • Gain access to tools that run your business:

  • Learn how to automate and be more efficient



Who is the Kickstart your Business Program for?

You are in business and want to grow your profits

You want a set of systems to simplify the running of your business 

You want to ditch the 9-5, and start a business 

You want to secure your financial future  

You want flexibility to spend time with family 


Are you ready for a change?


Are you a passionate and driven female entrepreneur?


Ready to turn your business dreams into reality?

Are you ready for a change? 〰️ Are you a passionate and driven female entrepreneur? 〰️ Ready to turn your business dreams into reality?


I started my business a year ago and I struggled with managing my time. You taught me to prioritise, plan and commit to DAILY action. Now I have a system that works and a business that is growing, Deb


I remembered quite vividly our sessions prior to opening my business. My challenge was not knowing where to start…. The first thing you told me to do is to identify my product and understand the marketplace. Now I have used my clear understanding of my audience to build my company. Thank you for helping me gain clarity! Charmaine


Kickstart Your Business program will help you..



Go from STUCK and OVERWHELMED to taking DAILY action and get RESULTS.

Get tools to help you understand your target market and make better business decisions

Build your entrepreneurial skills, expand your knowledge and GROW your confidence


Learn how to discover your IDEAL client, build relationships and BOOST sales.

Learn how to secure capital and CASHFLOW you need

Learn to RADICALLY increase sales, revenue and PROFIT


Learn to be smart, work smart and improve business OUTCOMES

Learn strategies to BALANCE the demands of entrepreneurship with your personal life,

Learn to set the right priorities, RECLAIM time and get better results in your business


Connect with a diverse community of fellow entrepreneurs and mentors who will CHAMPION your success.

SUPPORT and be supported by like-minded women entrepreneurs who understand your journey and challenges.

Share experiences, seek advice, and CELEBRATE successes together


Hi there!

I am really excited to bring you this program. The Kickstart your Business program will change the way you do business!

It offers essential elements we need as female entrepreneurs - Knowledge, Funding, Community, Targeted Consistent Action and Results!!

I can’t wait to share it with you


For more information or just to say hi - you can reach me at


What does Kickstart Your Business Entail?


  • 4 Weeks

  • Measurable Business Growth

  • Higher Profits

  • Daily Actionable Tasks

  • Results Focussed

  • Build Engaging User Journeys

  • Build Efficient Marketing Roadmaps

  • Build Effective Sales Funnels

  • Improve Business processes

  • ‘Done for you’ Templates

  • Accountability

  • Support and Community


4 Great Reasons to join the Kickstart your Business program

  • Your business must be built on a strong foundation. It all starts with creating and developing a strong vision. The program will help you create an effective simplified strategy that produces results

  • Capital and cashflow is one of the most often discussed issues in business, especially for women owned companies. The program offers sound financial education and guidance to help you secure the capital you need to grow and to radically increase sales and revenue

  • This program is big on accountability. We are not just about creating individual businesses we are on a mission to build families, communities, and entire economic landscapes!

  • You do not have to go through the journey alone! Connect with a diverse community of fellow entrepreneurs and mentors who will champion your success. Join a supportive and inclusive community of like-minded women entrepreneurs who understand your journey and challenges.

    Share experiences, seek advice, and celebrate successes together.

    Gain inspiration and guidance from successful female entrepreneurs who have been in your shoes.


Kickstart Your Business -

join the program today